The AGS System: Designing and Manufacturing Innovative and Safe Mounting Systems for Ventilated Facades

In the world of architectural design, the use of ventilated facades is becoming increasingly popular. Ventilated facades provide a number of benefits, including improved energy efficiency, better insulation, and protection from the elements. However, one of the biggest challenges in using ventilated facades is finding a safe and effective way to mount them.

Enter AGS System, a company that specialises in designing and manufacturing innovative and safe mounting systems for ventilated facades. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the AGS System and what sets it apart from other companies in the industry.

Increasing Construction Productivity

The AGS System is committed to increasing construction productivity. The company’s mission is to build cost-effective systems that absorb wind and dead loads, without disrupting the building’s aesthetics. To achieve this goal, AGS uses cutting-edge technologies and innovative design solutions to create mounting systems that are both effective and aesthetically pleasing.

Innovative and Unique Solutions

One of the things that sets the AGS System apart from other companies in the industry is its focus on innovation. The AGS team consists of experienced specialists who are dedicated to continuous research and development projects. This focus on innovation ensures that the company’s systems are truly unique and protected by intellectual property rights.

Custom Solutions

Another key differentiator of the AGS System is its commitment to custom solutions. Once the company receives a client’s plans, its technical team will propose an optimal solution that takes into account the legal, technical, and material requirements of the project.

The AGS System’s commitment to custom solutions ensures that each client receives a mounting system that is specifically designed to meet their unique needs and requirements.

Safe and Durable Systems

In addition to its focus on innovation and custom solutions, the AGS System is also committed to ensuring the safety and durability of its products. The company’s systems are designed to meet all the fire protection and durability standards for the corrosive category of the environment in which they will be used.

The AGS System is committed to creating safe, sturdy, and awe-inspiring builds. As the company explains, “We believe in using cutting-edge technologies to empower our clients to create safe, sturdy, and awe-inspiring builds.”


In conclusion, the AGS System is a company that is dedicated to designing and manufacturing innovative and safe mounting systems for ventilated facades. The company’s focus on innovation, custom solutions, and safety and durability sets it apart from other companies in the industry.

If you’re looking for a company that is committed to increasing construction productivity, creating innovative and unique solutions, and ensuring the safety and durability of its products, the AGS System is the right choice for you.

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